
Master of Library & Information Science

We offer a Masters Degree in the field of Library Sciences. We are an institute approved by the U. P. Govt. We are also affiliated to the Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University of Agra. We are one of the top institutes that provide education in Library Sciences.

Duration :1 years (full time)
Annual Intake : 60

Course Details :
Approved by U P Govt & affiliated to Dr B R Ambedkar University, Agra.

Eligibility :
Bachelor Degree in Library & Information Science with atleast 50% marks

Admission Procedure :
Through Merit and Personal Interview

Dress Code :
Summer Winter
Boys White Shirt, steel grey Trouser,
TieĀ«, black belt & black shoes with white socks
White shirt, steel grey Trouser, TieĀ«, black belt, navy blue blazer & black shoes with white socks
Girls White salwar kurta with plain steel grey dupatta, white shoes White salwar kurta with steel grey dupatta & navy blue blazer, white shoes with white socks
*Tie will be provided by the institute